About Our School


Our mission at White Bluffs Elementary is a shared commitment to educate the whole child in a safe and nurturing community.

White Bluffs is committed to a partnership where school, family, and community act in collaboration to ensure optimal student learning in a safe and caring environment.

This is accomplished through clear communication that is honest and in the best interest of our students. Instructional staff will communicate soon and with best intentions proactively with families in order to address concerns.  Parents/families, in turn, are encouraged to communicate with teachers sooner-than-later when concerns arise. Our PTO works to enrich our school's academic programs and provide social experiences for our students


We believe success is positive personal growth...no exceptions!

We believe all students have the potential to grow and learn. We set goals for all students to achieve high standards and work with families to support their child’s progress.  Regardless of socio-economic status or background, we believe that all can achieve high standards if enough effort, support and quality instruction are provided.

District and School Report Card Information

Are you interested in knowing how your child's school did on state assessments? Visit the Washington State OSPI Report Card at: https://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us

The Report Card contains valuable information about test results as well as other statistics about our schools. To find results for our district and your child's school, use the webpage drop-down menu to find Richland School District and press GO.